From the present to the "tomorrowland"


We started during the end of July from our last doorstep in Switzerland and cycled over the swiss montains to the south. We went hiking in the Dolomites and rolled along the Mediterranean Sea through several countries. In November 2017 we crossed the northern Bosporus and cycled along the Black Sea to Giorgia. in Azerbaidjan we shortly touched the Caspien sea and entered Iran.

On the tracks of the silk road in central Asia, we drove over the Pamir Highway to Almaty in Kasachstan. Then in end of September 2018, we flew to New Dehli and rolled to Nepal through the Terai and the Western Middle Hills until we reached Kathmandu.

We were lucky to watch the sunrise from a little mountain in Nepal.



Our bikes are not just bikes, but tailor-made steel horses and therefore our perfect travel companion. Packed with the most important belongings, so that we can travel as independently as possible, we pull out and enjoy the vagabond life.



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That's us

...Percy-John and Cécile from Switzerland living their dream...